(Last update 15/03/2005)

Current OSCAR/ORCA Test-Beam Software

To analyse the data, you need to use one of the TestBeam packages (each of which is specific to one test-beam), plus the Tracker packages related to test-beams. These are all documented below. A good analysis code is General.cpp in  TestBeams/TkX5bSep2004/test/. (Or TkX5bMay2003 test if you wish to analyse pre-July 2004 data). Depending on your .orcarc cards, this runs either a simple example analysis code illustrating all the latest software features, or the `TT6' analysis code with many, detailed monitoring histograms.  (The latter option replaces the old GeneralTT6.cpp program). The TT6 histograms can be displayed with a GUI, as described in the "Graphical User Interface for TT6 Test-Beam Analysis" Section below

A more advanced analysis program TestBeams/TkFilterUnit/GeneralFU.cpp, which uses a COBRA driven event-loop and ROOT reads files written in the FED9U data format is currently under development (and seems to work ...). It is documented in the TkFilterUnit section below.

A necessary input to this analysis is the geometrical description of the test-beam sensors. This can either be given via the DDD (recommended) or via ASCII card files (functional, but very old-fashioned).  .

Software Corrections to current ORCA version (8.73)

Use the analysis code General.cpp with ORCA 8.73 and the corrections listed here.

TestBeam specific packages

Relevant Tracker packages

Running ORCA on the Filter Farm during Test-Beams

The general principles of running ORCA on the FU accessing data sent over the network from the online software are described in a talk by Giacomo Bruno.

Processing Standard (SimHit) Monte Carlo events with the ApvAnalysis package

Simulating test-beam datasets with OSCAR and the Particle Gun

An OSCAR dataset can be created using the particle gun with test-beam geometry. This is useful for comparing the simulation with the data (tuning Monte Carlo parameters) and for testing new analyses such as tracking and alignment software. After the usual `scram project OSCAR OSCAR_3_3_0", check out OscarApplication/G4SimApplication/test/, copy the file .orcarc  into test/. You may need to edit it to point to the correct geometry files in Data/TrackerTBGeometries. Then type eval `scram runtime -csh` , source writeTrigger.csh and then run the (already compiled executable) oscar interactively. The .orcarc parameters VertexGenerator... and ParticleGun... control the origin and kinetics of the produced particles.

       Read the dataset with any ORCA job capable of reading SimHits. (Version 8.10 corresponds to OSCAR v3.20). To disable the magnetic field and specify the input dataset, use .orcarc lines such as
these. Your ORCA test directory should also contain the same .xml files that you used to generate the input dataset. These .xml files can also be used to analyse test-beam data if the geometry is the same. By default, the SimHits are converted to zero suppressed StripDigis using the default ORCA strip tracker zero suppression algorithm, and with no pedestal or noise reconstruction. If you want to produce raw digis inside ORCA and pass them through the ApvAnalysis package performing calibration and zero-suppression, then use the example in Tracker/DataHandingInterface/test/General.cpp.

       (N.B. The example files produce a particle beam travelling along the z-axis. If you wish to change the geometry, read the documentation
DDD . Be careful that the particle vertex must lie within volume of "CMS" as defined in tb.xml. Furthermore, the "BoxTOB", "BoxTIB" and "BoxTEC" volumes defined in tracker.xml should be contained within CMS and not overlap with each other.)

Simulating test-beam datasets with the Cosmic Muon Generator

As an alternative to using the particle gun, cosmic rays can be simulated with a generator, as documented  here. The ntuple produced can be input to OSCAR, run  as described above.

How to look at Simulated test-beam dataset with the IGUANACMS event display

Follow the instructions in the IGUANACMS Userguide, namely:

scram project IGUANACMS IGUANACMS_1_3_0; project IGUANACMS; cd src; cvs co -r ORCA_1_3_0 VisOrca/VisOrcaMain/test; cd VisOrca/VisOrcaMain/test; eval `scram runtime -csh`; iguana.

N.B. Due to a bug, in v1.30 one must also do setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /afs/cern.ch/cms/external/gcc-3.2/ROOT/3.05.07a/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH immediately after running scram.

After starting IGUANA, select ORCA, then Sim Application, enable the display of the Objects, Event, Tracker Event, Simhits, Reco detector, Tracker, Silicon barrel & Silicon endcap using the checkboxes, and click on the picture of the eye. You can also try enabling the `custom tracker' to allow easier viewing of specific parts of the Tracker.

Standard ORCA .orcarc cards, such as those in Tracker/DataHandlingInterface/test/, point to the input dataset and .xml geometry files. However, you must setenv Geometry_PATH "." so that the .xml will be found in your current directory. Furthermore, to prevent IGUANA crashing due to the absence of calorimeters/muon-chambers, you should also use the additional .orcarc card: Visualisation:DataProxies = COBRA/Core:ORCA/Event:ORCA/Event/Tracker:ORCA/Event/CustomTracker:ORCA/RecoDetector/Tracker.

N.B. IGUANACMS v1.30 currently only displays the geometry and SimHits. The RecHits and RecTracks should be available soon.

N.B. If you are using a Windows computer, you must use the Exceed3D or Cygwin/Xfree x-terminal emulation to use IGUANACMS, since standard Exceed can't cope with the 3D graphics.

Graphical User Interface for TT6 Test-Beam Analysis

Documentation on a graphical user interface for steering the TT6 analysis package and looking at the histograms produced can be found here. (Follow the link under "Quick Overview - Project Homepage"). It can display the histograms produced by the ORCA General.cpp analysis program described above, when the TT6 output histograms are requested. N.B. Currently it only compiles with g++ version 2.96 not 3.20.

Quasi-Online Monitoring During Test-Beams

The General.cpp analysis program and TT6 GUI can both be used for quasi-online analysis of data during beam/system-tests. The procedure is described here. It assumes you have access to the tt6 account on the TIB group's lxcms68.cern.ch computer.

Older ORCA Test-Beam Software

WWW page author: Ian Tomalin