Trying the software out
1) Logon to as user tkfu.
2) . SOURCEME  // Defines CMS/XDAQ/ORCA environment variables and
3) cd $FU      // Goes to ORCA directory where .orcarc steering cards
4) eval `scram runtime -sh` // Add ORCA stuff to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
5) .           // Defines CMSIM geometry file.
6) $XDAQDIR/xdaq.exe `hostname -i` 45000 -debug &7) $XDAQWINDIR/xdaqWIN &
  Then in xdaqWin:

File/Open           ~/tctobtibfu.xml
Select http: //cmst...
Command/Configure  (Try Command/Reset or Clear if it complains).
When complete, expand http: //cmst... and then select FU.

and finally after quitting xdaqWin, $XDAQDIR/stopxdaq.

  This stand-alone operation only allows one to try out the Configure.
To run properly, Laurent must do the above on the main run control
terminal. Currently, ORCA is launched successfully, but crashes part way
through it's initialization, when trying to scan the .xml files
containing the test-beam geometry.


1) The Xerces library was compiled with gcc v2.96. This made it
incompatible with ORCA and XDAQ, which we are compiling with gcc v3.2.
Ivan installed Xerces compiled with gcc v3.2 in
/home/tkfu/xerces-c-src1_6_0/ and put a link to it in
/home/tkfu/TriDAS/Auxiliary/xerceslinuxx86 so that it was picked up,
instead of the one compiled with v2.96.

1) Both XDAQ and ORCA scan .xml documents with the Xerces library. But
XDAQ uses v1.6 of this library and ORCA uses v2.1. Because XDAQ launches
ORCA, ORCA picks up v1.6. It therefore crashes the first time it tries
scanning an .xml document, which happens when it reads the test-beam
geometry. No solution has yet been found. Several of the header files in
v1.6 and 2.1 have different names, which makes it non-trivial to compile
XDAQ against v2.1.

   Currently, we are experimenting ways to solve this problem, so the
above instructions for trying out the software might not work

2) I added a new file /home/tkfu/TriDAS/daq/fu/src/common/
defining function init_i2oFU(), which was undefined when we tried
running xdaq.exe. However, I don't guarantee that the contents of this
new file are correct. Could Giacomo please check ?

3) The /cern/2002 directories needed by ORCA are missing. (Only /cern/98
is present). Ideally,  these should be installed. However, as a
temporary work-around, Ivan changed things to use
/afs/ instead. In SOURCME, he

export CERN="/afs/"
export CERN_LEVEL="2003"
export PATH="$PATH:$CERN_ROOT/bin"

and then changes some files on the ORCA .SCRAM/.Linux__2.4 and
config/site to make ORCA pick this library up.

4) We made changes to SOURCME and one or two ORCA BuildFiles, to fix a
few problems. But these are non-controversial I think, so I won't
describe them here.