General.cpp Test-Beam Analysis Software


This is an example test-beam analysis job, which uses the GeneralApvAnalysisFactory, allowing one to process the data, with any combination of the pedestal/noise/mask/common-mode and zero-suppression algorithms in the ApvAnalysisConcrete area. The choice of algorithm and also of the steering parameters used by each algorithm are specified by the .orcarc cards in TkPSISep2004/test/.orcarc . This makes it very easy to compare results obtained with different algorithms.
(Instead of performing calibration and analysis in a single ORCA run, it is now also possible to store calibration constants to file and read them in during the analysis of a subsequent run, using the .orcarc cards GeneralApvAnalysisFactory:saveCalibrationData = true and GeneralApvAnalysisFactory:readCalibrationData = true, respectively.)

General.cpp can run one of two independent analysis programs, depending on your .orcarc cards.

If you specify the card "GenEventStudy:useMyAnalyser = true", you get a simple example analysis software, illustrating all the latest software tools. It produces three ntuples:

  1. An ntuple of the pedestal, noise, raw-noise and common-mode offset.
  2. An  ntuple of reconstructed cluster information, where clusters are reconstructed using the standard recHit() interface. Note that clusters are only available once the calibration is complete, which takes several hundred events.
  3. An ntuple of reconstructed track information, where the tracks, where the tracks are reconstructed using the Standard Kalman filter track, with a modified seed generator that seeds the track from the first two silicon layers and a modified propagator that extrapolates the track as a straight line. (See CMS-NOTE-2002/008).

If instead you specify "GenEventStudy:useTT6Analysis = true", you get the TT6 monitoring program, with many histograms and a ROOT tree of detector performance. (But not yet tracking). Documentation can be found here (and an older tutorial here). The TT6 histograms can be displayed with a GUI, as described in the "Graphical User Interface for TT6 Test-Beam Analysis" section of the test-beam software page .

The detector geometry is taken from the DDD if the .orcarc parameter TkDDDInterface:UseDDD=1 (recommended). The corresponding .xml card file name is specified via the .orcarc parameter DDDConfigFile. The directory containing the .xml is specified in the .orcarc parameter Geometry_PATH .. Alternatively, if  TkDDDInterface:UseDDD=0 (not recommended), the geometry is taken from the ASCII card file TBSimTrackerSetUp. In either case, at the end of the job, the detector geometry information is printed for debug purposes.

Much of the analysis software is in Tracker/DataHandlingInterface/test/stubs, where it is shared by the very similar analysis job DataHandlingInterface/test/GeneralMC.cpp which runs on simulated test-beam data.