This document contains three sections. The first describes how to access the data and run the ORCA monitoring job on it. The second describes how to view the root files produced by the ORCA analysis job. The third describes how to run an alternative non-ORCA based monitor.
================================================================== SECTION 1: Running the ORCA monitoring job on all test-beam data. ==================================================================
N.B. You should do everything from the TT6 account. You should periodically do the following:
1) Run the script /root/scripts/copy_firewire_to_lxcms68 .
(This copies any new test-beam datasets from the firewire disks where they are written by the online software to lxcms68:/pool/data_2004/. It ignores any files that have already been copied and also the most recent file, in case it is still being written.)
2) If you wish to change the .orcarc cards of the ORCA job, (aside from the .xml or DetMap.dat geometry cards), you should edit /home/tt6/ORCA_8_1_3/src/TestBeams/TkX5bMay2003/test/orcarc.std .
A typical change might be to specify "GenEventStudy:useMyAnalyser = 1" and "GenEventStudy:useTT6Analysis = 0", to run the alternative monitoring program which includes track finding, instead of the standard TT6 one
3) If the run type has recently changed (from TOB to TEC etc.), edit the script /home/tt6/run.csh.2004. Look for statements such as ---------------------------------------------- else if (${runn} < 999000) then #TOB ---------------------------------------------- and edit then accordingly. This script adds the location of the the .xml and DetMap.dat geometry files to the orcarc.std card file, creating .orcarc, where the geometry files to be added depend upon the run number
4) Run the script /root/scripts/preparedisk_single.csh .
(This makes a note in /pool/incoming_data of all the available datasets. It then runs the script /home/tt6/run.csh.2004. This script runs a seperate ORCA monitoring job on each of the input datasets, ignoring those that have already been analysed. Flags exists in /data2/tt6_orca_output/processed_data/ indicating which datasets have already been analysed. You can delete these flags to reanalyse any given dataset(s).
The output of each ORCA run goes in /data2/tt6_orca_output/ in subdirectory logs/ for the ORCA log file and ntuple/ for the output ROOT file.
================================================================ SECTION 2: Viewing Analysed Data from Root File ================================================================ The output root files produced from ORCA offline program can be viewed in two ways:
1) Directly in /data2/tt6_orca_output/ntuple/
There are two very simple macros are in the home directory of the tt6 user.
plot_variable.C (for pedestal, noise,..., cluster property histograms) plot_cluster_properties.C (for cluster properties from the Root Tree)
Ex: pedestal vs strip from Module #1 TFile* file = new TFile("file_name") .x plot_variable.C(1,-1,"pedestal_vs_strip",file) .x plot_variable.C(1, 3,"pedestal_vs_strip",file) (pedestal of Mod#1 chip#3)
Ex to plot cluster properties of most energetic clusters of module #3
.x plot_cluster_properties.C(3,1,file)
2) Using the TT6 GUI: a) Do "cd /home/tt6/Client;source Configure". b) Run bin/ModuleTestApp.exe c) Select the "Analysis" tab at the top of the GUI. d) Specify the "File type" to be "ORCA Beam Test" e) Click "Load File" and specify the location of the root analysis file in /data2/tt6_orca_output/ntuple/. f) give module number in specified field in "plot types" and select type of the plot (one apv, multi apv, module) specifying #of apvs. g) select histogram type and click "Plot Histogram" button
====================================================================== SECTION 3: ALTERNATIVE NON-ORCA BASED MONITOR ======================================================================
The TT6 GUI can also be used to analyse data but it is slower process. It is recommended to use during the debugging phase to check noise/pedestal quickly. This does not do cluster finding. The full processing of a RUN should be done using offline ORCA program
The steps are the following
a) Do "cd /home/tt6/Client;source Configure". b) Run bin/ModuleTestApp.exe c) Select "Control" tab at the top of the GUI d) Select "Data Source" as "Root File" and specify the location e) give #of events to be processed with " Event Type " as "Pedestal" f) click "Start" button g) histograms can be viewed in the "Online" tab during processing (further slow down of data processing) e) histograms can be saved using "Save Histogram" button f) output file can be viewed in the "Analysis" tab but this time the "File Type" should be TT6Client