Tracker Data Quality Monitoring

This sub-group provides the data quality monitoring software for the CMS Tracker, which will run on the Filter Farm. The software is based on the CMS Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) framework available inside the CMS software environment CMSSW. The sub-group collaborates closely with the Beam/System-Test sub-group  and Commission & Calibration subgroups. The respective tasks of the two Data-Handling sub-groups are described on the main Data-Handling web page

CMS Physics and Data Quality Monitoring :  The infrastructure and the common framework of CMS is described here.  The page describes CMS-DQM in detail starting from general description up to design details and also provides "how to" to run examples.

Pixel Detector Data Quality Monitoring : the description of the DQM specific to the pixel system of the tracker can be found here


General Description & Instruction to run SiStrip DQM

 The online DQM application is based on Source, Collectior and Client. Where the Source produces the Monitoring Elements  and they are collected by the Collector and finally are subscribed and accessed by the Client.

Task List for SiStrip and SiPixel DQM Group

 The most updated list of activities, priorities and people working on them can be found here
Group Meetings

Other Useful Links and Presentations
Monitoring in Other Experiments

Old Stuff :

Older Stuff :

Group's Mailing List :  and  the [archive]