The activities in the tracker DQM group can be subdivided in terms of  "source" and "client" specific tasks. The "source" defines and fills the Monitoring Elements and the "client" accesses them for visualisation and further analysis (creation of summary, comparison with reference etc).

Sources :

the sources are responsible to produce monitoring elements at different levels of reconstruction and are supposed to run on Filter Unit nodes during online operation and can be used for offline as well. They are EDAnalyser modules and separate modules are deployed for each type of  Monitoring Element (MEs) which includes  Digi, Cluster, Tracks etc.

        [Medium priority : well covered by S. Gennai, D. Kcira and I Goitom]

       [Medium priority : V. Chiochia ]

       [Low priority : no one ]

       [Low priority : no one ]



          [Medium priority : S. Dutta (SiStrip), V. Chiochia and P. Merkel (SiPixel)]

[High priority : S. Dutta (SiStrip), P. Merkel (SiPixel)]

[Medium priority : S. Dutta (SiStrip), V. Chiochia and P. Merkel (SiPixel)]

[Medium priority : S. Dutta (SiStrip), SiPixel will follow the developments]

[Medium priority : G. Zito and M. Mennea]  

[Medium priority : D. Kcrira ]

[Medium priority : People from US-CMS have shown interest]

[High priority : S. Khalatian, E. Shabalina]

[High  priority : S. Dutta ]

Standalone DQM application :

DQM application can run in the offline mode as well where events are accessed from file and MEs created/filled are saved at the end in  root file. We do not need to run the full chain of  Source-Collector-Client framework. The standalone application basically merges the source and client actions in the same code.

[ Work Done ! Need maintenance : S. Khalatian, E. Shabalina]