(Last update 01/09/2004)

Information on May 2002 PSI + Aug 2002 X5 Test-Beams

Useful Links

  1. Ian Tomalin's Tracker General Meeting Summary Talk explaining how HIPs and Pin-holes affect the APV.

  2. Valery Zhukov's Test-Beam Analysis page. .

  3. Rob Bainbridge's HIP Effect page. .

  4. "The Effect of Highly Ionising Events on the APV25 Readout Chip", CMS-NOTE-2001/xxx DRAFT (30/4/02).

  5. Mark Raymond's lab. studies of HIPs and pin-holes: Dec. 2001 & Jan. 2002.

Hints for data analysis

Results (after PSI)

Talks on PSI analysis results can be found here.

Preparation (before PSI)

Talks on PSI software preparation can be found here.

WWW page author: Ian Tomalin
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