(Last update 13/07/2004)
(N.B. All the links on this
page are broken.
The talks have all been backup up to this WinZip
file to save space).
Discussion on R2/TT6 HIP deadtime discrepancy (04/04/03)
Comments by R. Bainbridge
Comments by N. de Filippis & D. Giorgano
Meeting (10/01/03)
Are the TT6 and R2 HIP rate results consistent ? by S. Paoletti
The uncertainty on the Tracker inefficiency due to HIPs by V. Ciulli
Track based TT6 analysis of X5 data by N. de Filippis & D. Giordano
Bad APVs etc. by D. Giordano
The "Marcello" plot by N. de Filippis
Meeting (19/12/02)
Test-Beam Analysis & Data-Handling group plans for next year for Discussion
Do HIPs with -40 < CM < -20 give inefficiency APVs ? by D. Giordano and N. de Filippis
Is the HIP energy distribution bias by the final scintillator veto ? (power-point) by R. Bainbridge
Tracker General Meeting (4/12/02)
Choice of APV Inverter Resistor Value by I. Tomalin
Meeting (21/11/02)
Dependence on Bx of baseline level & MIP signal by N. de Filippis, D. Giordano
Patrice Siegrist's Test-Beam Meeting (24/10/02)
5 presentations on HIP analyses by L. Servoli, V. Ciulli, M. D'Alfonso, S. Paoletti, R. Bainbridge.
Meeting (20/09/02)
Changes to TT6 analysis software by S. Paoletti
INFN HIP analysis: APV dead-time ... (pdf) (ppt) by N. Defilippis + D. Giordano
Meeting (30/08/02)
Status of Test-Beam Analysis Framework by T. Boccali
Calibration algo. performance on p-p Monte Carlo by N. Marinelli
Investigating signals in recovering APVs by F. Palla
Meeting (12/07/02)
GeneralApvAnalysisFactory and comparison of algorithm performance by I. Tomalin
Monte Carlo studies of algorithm performance by N.Marinelli
R2 HIP analysis by R. Bainbridge
TT6 HIP dead-time results using tracking by J. Bernardini
TT6 HIP results without tracking by S. Paoletti
Update on ORCA HIP simulation by T. Boccali
Meeting (01/07/02)
Update on bad events and bad APV pipeline addr. by S. Paoletti
ORCA simulation of dead-time caused by HIPs by T. Boccali
TT6 dead-time study by F. Palla
CMS Week Test-Beam Meeting (11/06/02)
R2 HIP Analysis by R. Chierici
TT6 HIP Analysis by V. Ciulli
Meeting (06/06/02)
HIP rate results with pion beam at PSI by S. Paoletti
b-tau Meeting (28/05/02)
First results of R2 HIP Analysis after PSI by R. Bainbridge
WWW page author: Ian Tomalin