Commissioning Software
"Calibration Studies for the CMS
Microstrip Silicon Tracker on Simulated p-p Collisions", CMS-IN NOTE 2003/021
(15/08/03) by N. Marinelli.
(Examines the best pedestal/noise calibration algorithms for use
during CMS running).
"On Calibration, Zero Suppression
Algorithms and Data Format for the Silicon Tracker FEDs", CMS-IN 2001/025
(2/7/01) by I.Tomalin.
(The zero suppression algorithms proposed have been implemented in
ORCA, as described in the "SiStripDet" section of the ORCA User Guide. This facilitates
further study of their performance and also ensures the same algorithms can be applied to
Monte Carlo as to real data.)
"List of strip detector
calibration parameters", A table
presented by K. Gill at Calibration Working Group (25/9/00)
"Calibration, slow control and configuration
parameters required offline", A talk by I. Tomalin at CPT Plenary (7/11/03) and a
talk at the Calibration DB Workshop (24/2/04) and a
talk at the Bari workshop
(31/5/04). "Info on Tracker Databases"
document from Frederic Drouhin (April 2005).
Data rates
"Expected Data Rates from the
Silicon Strip Tracker", CMS NOTE 2002/047
(27/11/02) by O. Kodolova, I. Tomalin and P. Yepes.
Also look at Paolo Bartalini's
assessment (still preliminary) of systematic uncertainties in
the Pt spectrum and multiplicity of minimum bias events. This is used in the data rate
"Updates to the data rates quoted in CMS NOTE 2002/047 and new proposal for FED-FRL merging" (10/12/04) by I. Tomalin.
"Study data rate dependence on choice of data format and data compression algorithms" CMS-IN 2001/029 (13/8/01) by G. Pasztor.
Cabling Map
Detector-FED Cabling Map (17/4/02) by F. Vasey & A. Zanet
Fortran program by I.Tomalin, which creates a computer ASCII readable files (TIB, TOB, TEC, MiniTECDisks) describing this map.
Beam/System-Test Studies
"Test-Beam Analysis of the Effect of Highly Ionising Particles on the Silicon Strip Tracker" CMS-NOTE-2003/25 by I. Tomalin et al.
"The Effect of Highly Ionising Events on the APV25 Readout Chip", CMS-NOTE-2002/038 (7/11/02) by R. Bainbridge et al. (X5 analysis).
"Highly Ionizing Events in Silicon Detectors" (a Monte Carlo study), CMS-NOTE-2002/011 (12/3/02) by M. Huhtinen.
"Test-Beam Results on <100> Silicon Prototype Detectors with APV6 Front-End Chip Readout", CMS-NOTE-2000/050 (18/09/00) by S. Braibant et al.