Running Tracker Monitoring Software in Source-Collector-Client Environment

we need to set up the work space under COSINE to be able to have this environment. The stable version of COSINE to use is COSINE_2_0_3_pre1  which is compatible with ORCA_8_13_0,  COBRA_8_5_2
  1. Create Working area
      scramv1 project COSINE COSINE_2_0_3_pre1
  2. Checkout TrackerMonitoring package from ORCA
  3.       cd COSINE_2_1_0_pre3/src
          project ORCA
          cvs co TrackerMonitoring
  4. Compile the Source and tracker specific Client programs which in turn will create all the required libraries.
  5. Following simple configurable parameters define Address, Port # of the machine where the collector will run needed by the source , Update delays .. etc in the DQM framework
                Monitoring:AutoInstantiate = 1 
  6. Start the monitoring environment where you need (at the moment) to start first the Collector, HistoServer should already be available from SubfarmManager/PhysicsMonitor/test once "scramv1 runtime " is setup. After that start the Source Once the Source(either for Pixel or from Strip) is started one can start the Client. The general purpose ClientsClients are provided by the CMS-DQM group (Web Monitor and IGUANA-CMS client). One can also try the Tracker specific Client (very preliminary and development version) SiStripMonFramework/test/TrackerClient1.cpp (for the Strip system). The digi histograms will be visible in popped up canvas.